Hi there, Divas! My name is Stephen Johnson, and I’m Kelli Claypool’s new intern. She’s asked me to write a brief bio, so here goes:
I’m a 20-year-old college student from Greenville, South Carolina. I’m from a family of five, and I was raised in a fairly close and semi-traditional family that’s probably pretty typical of the South. I’m a rising Senior at Clemson University, and I love college! I don’t have any kids and and I don’t run my own businesses or websites. I’m not married either, although I’ve been dating a wonderful girl for a little over six months. You’re probably wondering why I’m working for Kelli at this point, so I’ll let you know.
The working world is probably not going to compare well with college, unless I’m working for someone like Kelli (fingers crossed). Right now I’m doing writing, editing, and general web stuff for DivaTalkRadio and BriefcaseDiva, and that’s probably all I’m going to cover unless Kelli thinks I can handle more. However, experience, knowledge, and contacts aren’t the main reason why I chose to work with Kelli. I wanted to work with her so I could learn how to empower and encourage the women in my life. As of right now, my mom, my sisters, my girlfriend, and many other women in my life are some of the most intelligent and talented people I know. But they don’t know it, and they don’t have access to their full abilities because they find it difficult to believe in themselves. I’ve been noticing this my whole life, and because I am in some ways a fairly stereotypical guy, I want to solve the problem and make everything ok. I know that just listening helps a lot sometimes, but I also know that it’s not enough. I want to actively encourage and support them. So, I’ve become part of the DivaTalkRadio/BriefcaseDiva team so that I can learn from women who’ve overcome the obstacles, found faith in themselves, and achieved their dreams.
So, that’s basically me and what I’m about. I look forward to learning from you and spreading the word about women who’ve been a success in business and life.
If you want to contact me, I’m @SJJohnson88 on Twitter. You can also Facebook me or shoot me an email at stephen@divatalkradio.com. I’m still working on my blog, so it’s not up yet, but it will be soon.
Until then, wear your heels well, and know that I can’t stand up in those things. (I don’t balance very well)
P.S. I almost forgot to thank Lauren Berger and the team and quarterlife.com. They’re the ones responsible for getting me in touch with Kelli and they are some great people.
Quote for today:
“The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong.”
Mahatma Gandhi
Stephen, I’m thrilled that you are part of my team. Your charisma and willingness to learn new things is outstanding. The women in your life will certainly benefit from you learning to be sensitive to their needs.
Keep up the GREAT work. I appreciate you!!
Stephen, welcome to the team! I’m sure you’ll be a great addition–and a big help to Kelli!