Since March is themed as ‘Women In History’ month and in continuing with our segment ‘A Truly Outstanding Women’, we are excited to have Dr. Linda Silbert as our Featured Guest on Diva Talk Radio.
Linda Silbert, Ph.D. is a world renowned educator, counselor, and award-winning author. She has devoted her life to helping children get the most out of school. Her goal for every child: school success, high self-esteem, and family harmony. Dr. Linda Silbert is a member of the LDA (Learning Disabilities Association of New York State), the IDA (International Dyslexia Association) and the ASCD (Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development).
She and her husband are the founders and directors of STRONG Learning, Inc. Together they wrote the book “Why Bad Grades Happen To Good Kids” (2007, Beaufort Books). Their STRONG Learning Program, an educational breakthrough, promotes academic learning and emotional support in six key areas – Self-esteem, Trust, Responsibility, Options, Needs, and Goals. This program helps struggling students and academic stars alike achieve the academic success they seek.
Dr. Linda hosts teleseminar series on subjects such as Let’s Talk About School; 5 Top Steps to School Success; Exams Made Easy; and many more.
The show was incredible. If you missed it, have not fear…it was recorded. 🙂
You can listen to the podcast below:
P.S. You can follow Dr. Linda Silbert on Twitter: @DrLindaSilbert.
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