Everyone wants a well-mannered child. But, what do they need to know for this to happen? Below are five manners that every child needs to cultivate in their life.
Parents have so many responsibilities. Two of them are to teach their child right from wrong and how to act. It’s the latter that has parents looking shocked and embarrassed in front of other adults. Your child says or does something unexpected and everyone blames you.
The cold, hard truth is that parents learn from imitating their parents. If you want them to practice appropriate manners, then they need to observe them first.
Start your kids off with the following:
1. “Please” and “Thank you”
You’d be surprised how infrequently those phrases are heard in polite conversation these days. Kids just don’t know the etiquette. When someone gives you something, the proper reply is “thank you.” It conveys respect and appreciation. When you ask for something, end your statement or question with “please.” It also conveys respect and graciousness.
2. A word of greeting
No one says “hello” anymore, it seems. Proper etiquette was always to say the greeting when you entered a room where people were already gathered. Even if the other person doesn’t return the greeting, extending a word of greeting shows kindness and respect to others.
3. How to answer the telephone
When picking up the receiver, yelling “huh” into the line isn’t the proper way to speak to someone on the other end. Always say “hello” first. Once the pleasantries are out of the way, then the other person can state their business if they are the one calling you. If you are calling someone, state your name and the purpose of your call after the greeting.
4. Practice selflessness
How do they do that? They will have to watch you to see exactly how to do it. In a nutshell, it is showing consideration for others: holding a door open for someone behind you; taking the grocery bags in the house for mom; allowing an older person to have your seat on the bus. All of these are examples of selfless acts of kindness.
5. Waiting your turn to speak
Often it is hard to hear what people are saying because they are always talking over one another. Listen to the speaker and then wait until they are done to take your turn. Interrupting can be seen as rude.
Mastering manners can teach responsibility, sensitivity, respect and maturity. It is the first step for your child growing into a well-adjusted and viable citizen in their community and the world beyond.
That’s it for now. Until next time Divas, wear your heels well and Be Blessed!
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