Relationship Diva here, the VH1 hit show “Single Ladies” with Stacy Dash, LisaRaye McCoy (I think she’s still using that last name) and variety of very sexy and fine men is airing soon. Now these Ladies are very in tuned with their sexuality and sensuality, they know how to use it when necessary. Let me ask this question: Is there something wrong with using your sensuality when necessary? I don’t think so, better yet, why shouldn’t use what you have in an appropriate, best interest sort of way.
Now, I don’t believe in going under the sheets without a commitment because it does not serve my best interest regardless of a Man’s statue, muscles or bank account balance. But, today a lot of Women feel that they have needs that need to be met, so for some it’s become a sort of Power Struggle. But who REALLY has the POWER? And should Women be giving theirs away?
The answer to the last question lies in a few places, a woman’s self esteem, self worth and her ability to deal with the aftermath if it doesn’t turn out the way she wants it to. Some women want to be all things, do all things and expect all things to go there way; but there are consequences to doing too much and they don’t raise their heads until you are in the middle of it. Some of us want to be equal but we want men to do this and not do that, some of us want to be equal by being both the man and the woman this is until we are spending too many nights alone.
Are you confused right now? I am, just imagine how men must feel, it’s really quite overwhelming so a lot of them just try to go with flow for as long as they can take it. Now, don’t get me wrong men have a lot of issues but I’m not talking about them right now.
Power, Influence, Control all means basically the same thing and when two people are about to engage in an intimate act they start out on the same level. The question is do they finish on the same level? This is a question you must ask yourself before you decide to go up against that man, you know the man I’m talking about because you’ve been wanting him for a long time and now an opportunity just opened up. Do you take control over your needs/emotions or do you dive in head first and hope for the best? The choice is and always will be yours to make. Remember this: a woman’s life is equal to the sum of her choices.
This is Relationship Diva signing off; I have things to learn, places to explore and people to meet. Until next time, may your days be filled with peace, passion, pleasure and purpose.
Hey Dahmenah, I watch Single Ladies, and I love Keisha Green. She is so confident in what she does and what she says. She certainly uses her feminine wild to get what she wants in certain situations. If you’ve seen her body, then you know what I’m talking about. People do things for her, without her having to sleep with any of them. There are men out there that like to do things for women, just because, and without anything in return. I don’t know where they are, but they are definitely on Single Ladies. If you can throw your hip one way and swing your hair the other way, go for it.