Dr. Pam Straker is returning to share with us ways that we can eliminate stress within the workplace. Whether you are an employer, an employee, or a small business owner, there are always stressors throughout our day.
Dr. Straker will be available to answer your questions. Hope to see you on the show!
October 13, 2010 at 2:00 p.m. ESTÂ http://DivaTalkRadio.com/live
I will be interviewing Dr. Pamela D. Straker about her new book “Let Me Stop You Right There And 28 Other Lines Every CEO, Manager, And Supervisor Should Know”
Let Me Stop You Right There…is a humorous book that examines interpersonal situations, presented as scenes, that arise in the workplace. The scenes describe office situations which, coupled with pictorial illustrations, allow the reader to quickly identify events in their own work lives for which the lines might have been useful. Essentially, the book gives “one liners” every person who manages others will find useful one time or over and over again.
Dr. Straker, a licensed psychologist, life/business coach, certified school psychologist, and has more than 25 years experience as a mental health and management professional. In her current capacity as consultant, she serves as a Psychologist Peer Reviewer for the Optum Health/United Health Group. She recently served as a Trainer and Program Coach for Emotional Literacy within the Psychology Department of Yale University. Dr. Straker is also providing consulting services to the Special Services Department of the Hoboken, New Jersey Board of Education. Just to name a few!
The best part is, Dr. Pam is my friend and I’m honored to feature her on DivaTalkRadio. Plan to join us…you will laugh, be inspired, and enjoy yourself for the 30 minutes that Dr. Pam shares with us how to handle various situations.
This LIVE episode airs at10/13/10 at 2:00 p.m. EST
Original Show: 9/15/10 11:00AM PDT – 9/15/10 1:00PM CDT – 9/15/10 2:00PM EDT. Rebroadcasts of the show will be made available within 24 hours of the LIVE show.
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