We hear terms like “keep the faith” and “I’ve got faith in you”, but what does that really mean? What exactly is faith? I’m proud to say that I’m strong in faith but when it comes down to it, do we fully understand what faith is? I’d like to explore this a little deeper today.
In Hebrews 11, the Bible talks about great heros of faith. If you haven’t read this chapter, take time to do so. You will be inspired at who God uses to do good. Let’s just say he didn’t always use the strong and powerful either.
Hebrews 11:1 says “Faith is the confident assurance that something we want is going to happen. It is the certainty that what we hope for is waiting for us, even though we cannot see it up ahead.” WOW!! That’s exciting! That means with faith…I can have the assurance and the certainty that God is working for me in my life and my hopes in dreams will come to pass. If you’re not jumping up in down right now…you’ve got to check your pulse!
Do you remember how you felt when you were younger and your birthday approached? You were excited and anxious. You knew you would certainly receive gifts and other special treats. But some things would be a surprise. Birthdays combined assurance and anticipation, and so does faith! Faith is the conviction based on past experience that God’s new and fresh surprises will surely be ours.
Two words describe our faith…confidence and certainty. These two qualities need a secure beginning and ending point. The beginning point of faith is believing in God’s character…He is who He says he is. The end point is believing in God’s promises…He will do what He says he will do. When we believe that God will fulfill His promises, even though we don’t see those promises materializing now, that my friend is true faith!
So the next time you hear “keep the faith”, remember that God is Almighty and can do all things…it’s up to you to believe in His promises that He will do what you hope for.
I hope that you are inspired today and will Keep the Faith! God desires a loving relationship with you…have you talked with Him today? If you’re needing prayer or have a praise report that you would like to share, please do so in the comments section below or join us over at Divas that Pray on Facebook. (http://facebook.com/DivasThatPray)
Always remember…I believe in YOU!
Be Blessed,
Faith is the assurance the best will come from your situation. I have felt that I was at the end of my rope a few times in my life. At times when I was rescued I somehow made some sense of why I had to go through that particular trial, others took time and yet some that I will not know the reason until I stand before the LORD.
I just know that when I come to a raging stream, I have to cross, that GOD will extend HIS mighty hand to lead me across, HE makes me to struggle at times with the currents, so I will know undoubtedly it is HIM that is at my side.
The best part of this is … each time this happens it makes my faith grow.